Have you found your local neighborhood blog yet? They’re all the rage, informative, community-oriented, and often quite amusing. One of the frequent “hot topics” is:
WTF Just flew over my house!?
Pretty much any low-flying object (including exotic birds) will warrant FULL coverage on your local blog. I decided to scientifically collect some data on the keywords “loud” and “helicopter” specifically. (using google site: specific search):
West Seattle Blog (412)(1,250) http://goo.gl/GqNPT
[edit]WS Blog’s Twitter thingy inflated results due to the mention in the Roosiehood tweet about the ‘copters… Advanced search to the rescue, still winners by a longshot[/edit]
My Ballard (67) http://goo.gl/XRx39
Capitol Hill (29) http://goo.gl/fM1Yy
Roosiehood (2): http://goo.gl/f7ZHI
No big surprise there, West Seattleites take the cake… I wondered about this after a late-night ‘hood flyover of some millitary choppers. Thanks to the Twitter @RavennaBlog via Roosiehood, of course there was a morning follow up…
And I think the Ravenna Blog deserves a special shout out for what I would deem proper “Social Media Hierarchy Waterfall” implementation. They know the difference between what deserves an entire blog post vs what “belongs” on Twitter…
You have made my day. Also, I laughed so hard, I cried.